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The Day of Archi­tectu­re 2019 in Vizovice

Published:: 2020-01-07 07:45:35

The Day of Archi­tectu­re, Satur­day, Octo­ber 2 during World Archi­tectu­re Week in Vizo­vi­ce was inde­ed dren­ched in rain. We con­si­de­red this weather to be very à pro­pos because the mot­to of the our spe­cial pro­gra­m­me was ​“Bra­vo! Let us in!” We wel­co­med appro­xi­ma­te­ly 150 visi­tors to and with the heart of our com­pa­ny. We were very ple­a­sed to have a rela­xed atmosphe­re at this archi­tectu­re fest. We for­med two groups of visi­tors, Mr. Sta­ni­slav Mar­ti­nec, the Direc­tor of our com­pa­ny, accom­pa­nied the first group and Mr. Mar­tin Hart, Mar­ke­ting Direc­tor, the second one.

Alto­ge­ther three gui­ded tours were in the pro­gra­m­me. The visi­tors were shown round the EXPO 2015 Czech pavi­li­on – now rede­signed as the headquar­ters of our com­pa­ny with a galle­ry, the cor­po­ra­te modu­lar dining room, and pro­ducti­on faci­li­ties whe­re our modu­les are cre­a­ted. The relo­ca­ted EXPO pavi­li­on deco­ra­ted with many awards was the cen­t­re of attention.

Mr. Michal Krištof (one of the designers of the pavi­li­on and the dining room) from the Chy­bik + Kris­tof Archi­tects & Urban Designers archi­tectu­ral stu­dio pro­vi­ded pro­fes­si­o­nal com­men­ta­ry. Alon­g­si­de the attracti­ons focus­sing on pro­ject imple­men­tati­ons, he pre­sen­ted the plan­ned Deve­lo­p­ment and Inno­va­ti­ve Cen­t­re of Modu­la­ri­ty pro­ject to the pub­lic as a revo­lu­ti­on in modu­lar con­structi­on. He demon­stra­ted this revo­lu­ti­on using a model of the deve­lo­p­ment centre.

The con­tent-laden tours could not be managed without ample refre­shments, which we pre­pa­red for our visi­tors under the lea­der­ship of Mr. Radim Maty­áš. The com­pli­men­ta­ry respon­ses to The Day of Archi­tectu­re in Vizo­vi­ce were rewar­ding for us and we are alrea­dy loo­king for­ward to the thi­rd annu­al event whe­re, we belie­ve, the fina­li­zed Deve­lo­p­ment and Inno­va­ti­ve Cen­t­re inclu­ding the com­ple­ted con­structi­on KOMA City pro­ject will be introduced.


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