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Archi­tectu­re Days 2018 in Vizovice

Published:: 2018-10-03 13:02:02

On Satur­day, 29 Sep­tem­ber 2018 we ope­ned the gates of our com­pa­ny to spe­ci­a­lists and also to the gene­ral pub­lic during Archi­tectu­re Days in Vizo­vi­ce. With demand at a high level, we con­duc­ted three gui­ded tours of our Cen­t­re of Modu­lar Archi­tectu­re. Archi­tects from the Chybik+Kristof AA Stu­dio, the designers of the EXPO 2015 pavi­li­on, intro­du­ced buil­dings assem­bled inclu­ding the­ir very first one, the KOMA modu­lar restau­rant. The tour was enri­ched by Lukáš Ritt­stein, aca­de­mic sculp­tor, who also cre­a­ted a sta­tue of an ​“auto­bi­rd” in Milan, Ita­ly. The second gui­ded tour was led by archi­tects from the OLGOJ CHOR­CHOJ stu­dio and Bára Šla­pe­to­vá, an aca­de­mic pain­ter. It acqua­in­ted visi­tors with the inte­ri­or of the EXPO pavi­li­on, which has been remo­delled as a mul­ti-pur­po­se modu­lar buil­ding. The thi­rd tour con­duc­ted by the com­pa­ny owner, Mr. Sta­ni­slav Mar­ti­nec, and our industrial engi­neer, Mr. Libor Van­duch, fami­li­a­ri­zed visi­tors with modu­lar buil­ding con­structi­on methods – they were also shown pro­to­ty­pes of a hotel modu­le and dwel­ling units. The bron­ze medal for archi­tectu­re and inno­vati­ons, with which the Czech EXPO pavi­li­on in Milan was awar­ded by an inter­nati­o­nal jury, was on loan for this event from J. F. Potuž­ník, Com­missa­ry General.

(taken from the website KOMA MODULAR)

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